Immigration to Europe and residence permit in Slovakia for Uzbeks (citizens of Uzbekistan)

Slovakia is a forward-looking country to build a better future. It is a member of the European Union, so it offers all the benefits of living in Europe, from education and work to medicine and service.
Uzbekistan may remain your homeland, but having tried to live in Europe, you will understand that this is a completely different standard of living. It will take time to learn the Slovak language, as well as to understand the mentality of locals, but having lived with a residence permit in Slovakia for 5 years you will be able to obtain permanent residence, and in the future even citizenship.
Вид на жительство в Словакии для узбекистанцев
Why is it worth choosing Slovakia to relocate to?
Since gaining independence in 1993, this country has become popular with tourists and expats. In terms of economy and development, Slovakia is doing exceptionally well, and in terms of natural and cultural heritage, it is incredibly rich and diverse. This combination attracts people from all over the world who are looking for a good quality of life in a new country.
Slovakia offers a wide variety of employment options, starting your own business, and if you have children, they can receive free European-level education, which in the future will “open doors” to many universities in other countries.
Compared to other European countries, it is quite inexpensive to live in Slovakia. On average, people earn here about 1,300 euros per month, and this is quite enough for having a decent life in Europe. That’s why if you have whatever skills, if you are ready to learn the Slovak language and change your place of living, then Slovakia will be the best place to start a new life.
How to get a residence permit in Slovakia?
To move to Slovakia, you need to deal with applying for a residence permit. There are various ways to get it, and the most popular ones are listed below:
  • 1
    Opening your own business and registration of individual entrepreneurship
  • 2
    If possible, take advantage of the family reunification program
  • 3
    Get a job and receive an official invitation from the employer
  • 4
    Enter one of the universities of the country and receive official enrollment in students
In addition, athletes who are a member of one of the clubs can also count on obtaining residence.
How to get a residence permit in Slovakia for an Uzbek citizen through business?
Starting a business is the easiest way to get a residence permit in Europe. And most importantly, a business can be very different, for example, working in a taxi or a nail salon, services of a “husband for an hour”, cargo transportation and many others.
You can choose areas where you need to obtain additional license or permissions, but there are also free activities for which no additional certificates are needed.
Opening a business in Slovakia is easy, and it is necessary to apply for the registration of individual business. It can be done remotely, and our specialists are ready to help with this issue.
ВНЖ в Словакии для узбекистанца
After receiving a certificate of state registration, you can apply for a residence permit. Documents are considered within 3-4 months. Having received an ID-card with a residence permit, in 3 years it must be renewed. In 5 years from the date of obtaining a residence permit, you can apply for permanent residence, and in another 5 years, apply for citizenship.
Receiving a residence permit in Slovakia opens up great prospects for you. You can live, do business in any country that is part of the European Union, and travel without additional visa.
Looking for help in obtaining a European residence permit?
Leave a request for a consultation and we will tell you about the best option for you
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How can an Uzbek get a residence permit in Slovakia through employment?
Getting a residence permit in Slovakia based on work is a popular way, as it is an opportunity not only to move to a European country, but also to be provided with a stable income.
This ground for obtaining a residence permit has its own peculiarity, which is that you will have to work for a Slovak employer. And such a residence permit does not give all the advantages of the previous one. For example, it will be difficult to lease a car, or mortgage an apartment. But everything will depend on your future goals.
The most optimal option for obtaining a residence permit based on employment for those who do not plan to stay in Slovakia for a long time. To obtain a work permit, you will need to wait for 2-3 months while your documents are being considered.
Residence permit in Slovakia through admission to a university
Uzbek citizens can get a residence permit by entering one of the higher educational institutions of Slovakia. Since studying requires staying in the country, there are usually no problems with obtaining a residence permit. This is a simple and understandable way, which is available only to students wishing to study at a European university.
If you would like to consider for yourself or your child this option, we offer you our services, which are to find a suitable university, filing documents (translation, nostrification and apostille included in the services) as well as further help with finding housing and obtaining a residence permit.
Time needed to obtain – 2 months. In the future, it is possible to obtain permanent residence in Slovakia in 5 years, and citizenship in another 5 years.
ВНЖ в Словакии
Family reunification program
Do you have relatives or family members with a residence permit in Slovakia? Then you have every reason to apply for a residence permit in the same country for the purpose of family reunification.
The process of paperwork lasts 3 months, but the cost is the lowest - only 400 euros. After 10 years of residence in Slovakia, you can obtain citizenship
Once you receive a residence permit ID card, you will have the same opportunities in the country as others with a residence permit. That is, you can take out a loan, arrange a mortgage or lease.
Looking for help in obtaining a European residence permit?
Leave a request for a consultation and we will tell you about the best option for you
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