Study residence
permit in Slovakia

Getting a diploma from a European university is the dream of many graduates and students. We will help you to make this dream come true, as well as to get a residence permit in Slovakia for the reason of studying.
Our company provides support to everyone who wants to change their lives and move to Europe. We provide turnkey services, we take care of all issues related to admission to a Slovak university.
диплом европейского ВУЗа

Admission to a university in Slovakia is a great idea:

  • Education is absolutely free for all foreign students of state universities.
  • You are guaranteed to master the Slovak language in 3-4 months due to its proximity to the Russian language.
  • You study at a higher education institution whose diploma is recognized throughout the European Union without additional nostrification, which is very important when applying for a job.
  • Employers in Slovakia are willing to hire university graduates, and you have the possibility of permanent residence in Europe and subsequently citizenship!
  • You can travel without visas throughout the European Union. A trip from Bratislava to Vienna takes 50 minutes by bus.
  • As a student, you can officially work 4 hours a day.
  • Admission to most universities without exams on the basis of a “competition of progress”.
What is the price?

The cost of our services is 2500 euros. What is included:

  • We will select the best universities in Slovakia
  • We will carry out the nostrification of the certificate and the equivalence of grades
  • We will prepare documents for admission and submit applications
  • We will reserve a place in the hostel and issue an order for an ISIC student card
  • We will provide support upon admission
  • We will prepare a target visa of D class and issue a residence permit for study
If necessary, we will help you with opening a bank account in Slovakia, as well as with obtaining medical insurance.
IMPORTANT! To improve your chances of admission, we apply to several higher education institutions at the same time. Thus, your chance to study at a European university for free is very high!

Registration of a residence permit

Studying in Slovakia opens up great opportunities and prospects for the future. And most importantly, you can get a residence permit for study, which means that you can legally reside in a European country and in the future have the opportunity to stay for permanent residence.

In addition, European universities train excellent specialists who can later work in Europe and be highly paid specialists.

If you entered one of the universities in Slovakia, then you have the right to apply for a student residence permit, and we can help you with this. This status is not automatically granted, and it is necessary to go through the registration procedure, which is approved in the Slovak Republic.

There are several requirements for obtaining a student residence permit:
Age from 14 years old
Document on admission to the university in Slovakia
No criminal records
Medical examination passed and no serious illnesses
Financial stability and security
In Slovakia, the decision to issue a residence permit is made by the immigration police. When you apply in your country, this decision is made by the Consulate of Slovakia.

Our specialists provide comprehensive services in the process of obtaining a residence permit. You can be sure that when working with us, you will not have any difficulties in the process.

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Do you want to enter a university in Slovakia?

We will tell you more about how to enter a state or private university in Slovakia and get a residence permit.
The process of entering a state university is quite complicated, but if you contact us for help, everything will go almost unnoticed for you.
The first step is to apply electronically
The first step is to apply electronically. It is important to be on time, and each university has its own time periods. If the application deadline has passed, then admission is possible only for the next year.

The second step is to pass the entrance exams, or pass the “graduation test”
Most universities in Slovakia accept applicants without exams, a “performance competition” is held, and students with maximum credits are enrolled.

Entry exams.
Some universities, for example, medical, accept students only on the basis of exam results. For this you:
- come to Slovakia to take exams on the appointed days;
- exams are held in Slovak.
The third stage is the consideration of the application
At this stage, the selection committee asks clarifying questions to obtain the necessary information (either by e-mail or by phone).
The fourth stage is enrollment.
If you successfully pass the entrance examinations (exams or “performance competition”), then 2 options are possible:
- If you provided a nostrified copy of the certificate, then the university officially enrolls you!
- If you are in your last year at a secondary school, you will be conditionally enrolled as a student, because the university is waiting for a high school diploma.
Why does this happen? Usually, entrance exams are held in winter or spring, and accordingly, you have not yet finished school and have not received a certificate. As soon as you receive it, it must be provided.
The fifth step is the registration of a student residence permit.
It is with a residence permit that you can live and study in Slovakia. This is a crucial stage and we will be happy to help you pass it easily.
Each stage has its own nuances, but our specialists know how to go through this procedure in a more simplified way. Having the necessary experience, we will complete most of the items for you, except for passing the entrance exam.

Do you want to enter a private university in Slovakia?

Admission to a private university has its advantages, for example, it is the absence of entrance exams.
The process of admission to a private university is different from the state one and takes place in 4 stages.
The first step
Submission of an application within the time specified by the university: from December 1 to July 30.
The second step
Making a decision by the selection committee on the preliminary enrollment of students who have not yet provided a nostrified copy of the certificate and the final enrollment of students with a certificate
The third step
After the official admission to the University, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with payment for tuition services.
The fourth step
Obtaining a student residence permit at the Consulate of Slovakia or the Immigration Police of Slovakia.
Congratulations on moving to Slovakia and starting your studies!
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    contact us
    Ružinovská 5889/42, 821 01 Ružinov, Slovakia
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