Immigration to Europe and obtaining a residence permit in Slovakia for citizens of Kyrgyzstan

Moving to Europe is a serious step that opens up great opportunities for those who dare. European passport is strong enough and can give many advantages for those who have it.
Getting a residence permit in Slovakia is the way to get European citizenship, and our company can support you at every stage.
Slovakia combines a free market economy with a strong social security system and is one of the fairest countries in Europe. Quality of life in Slovakia is high thanks to quality health care, free education and generous benefits.
получение ВНЖ в Словакии для граждан Кыргызстана
Based on the 13th month of pay, which is often distributed proportionally throughout the year, the minimum wage in Slovakia starts from 623 euros per month. On average, residents of Slovakia receive about EUR 1,300 per month per person, and with the level of prices in the country, this is more than enough for a normal life.
In addition to migration because of social reasons, such as family reunification or marriage with a Slovak citizen, the most common reason for legal migration to Slovakia at present is migration for business, work, and study.

Grounds for obtaining a residence permit in Slovakia for Kyrgyz

Просто так подать на получение вида на жительство в Словакии – не получится, для этого должны быть основания, и желательно весомые.
. Popular purposes for obtaining a residence permit in Slovakia:
  • 1
    Opening your own business in the country.
  • 2
    Entering one of the educational institutions in Slovakia
  • 3
    Official employment
  • 4
    Family reunion
Our employees provide their support in obtaining a residence permit in Slovakia for any of the above reasons. Having experience in the design of documents, we translate them into the Slovak language, put an apostille and do nostrification, if necessary.
Detail information about each option of obtaining a residence permit our specialist will tell you during the consultation: what documents are needed, deadlines for submission and consideration, cost and other nuances.

Residence permit in Slovakia for Kyrgyzstanis on the basis of business

The duration of obtaining a residence permit based on starting a business in Slovakia is 4 months. While doing that you can learn the Slovak language, as well as prepare for the move.
We would like to point out that a business is not necessarily a big investment. For example, if you have your own car, you can go to Slovakia to work as a taxi driver, having previously registered an individual entrepreneur. There is a business option "husband for an hour", to provide various services for repair, installation, and so on. These are business ideas that do not require particularly large investments or obtaining licenses and permits. But, on the other hand, this type of business gives you the right to apply for a residence permit, and, accordingly, the opportunity to legally move and live in Europe.
ВНЖ в Словакии для кыргызстанцев
If you need help with the registration of individual entrepreneurship, with the collection, translation and submission of documents, you can contact us for help. Our specialists have the relevant experience and qualifications to provide professional services for the preparation of a package of documents for a residence permit.
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Residence permit under the family reunification program

It takes 4 months to obtain a residence permit under the family reunification program and to provide a full package of documents, as well as family members with a residence permit in Slovakia.
If you have relatives who have a residence permit, permanent residence or citizenship in Slovakia, then you can collect the necessary documents and submit them to the consulate or immigration service to obtain a residence permit.
After that, you will be able to enjoy all the benefits of having a residence permit, children can get free education in an educational institution.

Residence permit in Slovakia for Kyrgyz based on employment

The processing time is 2 months. This is a great option for people who do not plan to stay in Slovakia for a long time, but it all depends on the work. If this is the company in which you plan to build a career, this option to get a residence permit - just what you need.
In order to apply for a residence permit for employment, it is necessary to obtain from the employer an official invitation to work. Then assemble a full package of documents and wait for a positive response.
ВНЖ в Словакии для кыргызстанцев

Residence permit for students from Kyrgyzstan

A popular way for schoolchildren and students to move and build their lives in Europe. After entering a Slovak university, you need to apply for a residence permit in order to study legally and live in the country. Therefore, this method guarantees a positive outcome of the consideration of documents, and most importantly - no special requirements other than official.
Our specialists help with the search of a suitable educational institution, as well as with the submission of documents, including their translation and nostrification.

Features of filing documents for the residence permit

It is important to know that you can apply for a residence permit in two ways. You can fly on a visa «D» to Slovakia, where you will be met by employees of the company. Our specialists will prepare all the necessary papers and submit them together with you to the immigration service in Slovakia, as well as represent your interests. The second option is to apply to the Slovak Consulate in Kazakhstan. In that case, we will prepare a full package of documents, and send it to you for submission.
For all questions you can contact our consultants, we are always happy to help you in the process of obtaining a residence permit in Slovakia for residents of Kyrgyzstan.
Looking for help in obtaining a European residence permit?
Leave a request for a consultation and we will tell you about the best option for you
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