Immigration to Europe and residence permit in Slovakia for Kazakhstanis (citizens of Kazakhstan)

Life in Europe is not at all the same as in any of the CIS countries. It is a completely different mentality, living standards, opportunities and incomes. Many people who live in Kazakhstan are considering immigration options to Europe, and it is worth paying attention to one of the countries, namely Slovakia.
The country offers feasible conditions for obtaining a residence permit for citizens of Central Asia, and to collect the necessary documents can help our specialists. Compared to other countries, Slovakia is the most accessible to Kazakhstanis. Below we will tell you how to get a residence permit in Slovakia for various reasons, and why it is still worth considering this country for life.
ВНЖ в Словакии для казахстанцев

Slovakia - the best country for immigration from Kazakhstan

After analyzing other countries that are part of the European Union, we can conclude that Slovakia is the best option for a number of reasons, which we will have a look at below:
  • There are different grounds for obtaining a residence permit in Slovakia for citizens of Kazakhstan
  • Simple steps for immigration, and there are practically no difficulties in obtaining a residence permit
  • The duration of the verification of documents is only 4 months
  • Having a residence permit in Slovakia, you can live and work in any country that is part of the Schengen area
  • The opportunity to become a citizen of a European country in 10 years, preliminary 5 years after the residence permit, having received permanent residence
  • With a residence permit in Slovakia, you can buy an apartment on a mortgage, lease a car and get loans
What are the grounds for obtaining a residence permit in Slovakia for citizens of Kazakhstan?
There are different ways of obtaining a residence permit in Slovakia for Kazakhs, and everyone can choose the most suitable option. Consider the main options with which we assist in preparation of documents.
1. Residence permit in Europe on the basis of starting a business
To be able to apply for a residence permit in Slovakia on the basis of a business, it is necessary to obtain a certificate on the state registration of the company and to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur.
Our employees will register for you the company or IP to pass this stage in a remote format.
2. Residence permit through employment for Kazakhstanis
This is a very popular way to obtain a residence permit in Slovakia. In order to have such a basis, it is necessary to obtain an official invitation from the employer. But this is the case when there will be a link to a specific employer, so you should consider this option more carefully.
This method of obtaining a residence permit is faster and takes about 1.5 months
If you do not have the opportunity or do not know how to get an official invitation from a Slovak employer, the company's employees will help you with this issue.
3. Residence permit in Slovakia based on studies
Of course, this option is not for everyone, but only for students, but having entered one of the universities in Slovakia, you must apply for a residence permit, as this is a serious reason for obtaining it, according to the duration of the consideration of documents - 1.5 months.
Employees of our company help with the choice of an educational institution in Slovakia, as well as with the process of applying documents and admission
4. Obtaining a residence permit in Slovakia through sports
This is a basis that is available only for sportsmen. A citizen of Kazakhstan who plays sports needs to conclude a contract with a sports club in Slovakia, and only after that can apply for a residence permit in Europe. It is important that whatever employment is prohibited with this type of residence permit, and you can only make a profit from the club, as a reward. The duration of obtaining a residence permit through sports is about 2 months.
Our company provides support with the search for a suitable sports club and helps with becoming a member.
5. Residence permit under the family reunification program
If one of your family members has a residence permit in Slovakia, then you also have the right to receive it under the family reunification program. duration of consideration of documents - about 3 months.

Our company is engaged in helping those who wish to obtain a residence permit in Slovakia. We are engaged in consultations, collection of a package of documents, translations, nostrification, apostille and provide other services related to obtaining a residence permit.

The process of obtaining a residence permit in Slovakia for Kazakhstanis

We offer you our services to simplify the process of obtaining a residence permit and to submit all documents without errors. In addition to helping to collect a complete package of documents, we also offer our translation, nostrification and apostille services.
To apply for a residence permit in Slovakia you can stay in the country with a visa «D», you need to contact the immigration service. But also, you can stay in your country, and send the documents to the consulate, where the relevant experts will consider them. It is important that everything is in Slovak.
By cooperating with us, you will save yourself most of the hassle associated with the process of obtaining a residence permit in Slovakia. In addition to detailed consultation, you will receive a full range of services and residence permits in Europe, just 1.5 - 4 months, depending on your reasons.
Looking for help in obtaining a European residence permit?
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