Immigration to Europe. Residence permit in Slovakia for Georgians (Georgian citizens)

Moving from Georgia to Slovakia is a great opportunity to start living in Europe. Slovakia offers simple conditions of immigration for Georgians, so it is the best option to move to Europe and develop business or work for hire.
Georgians can first get a residence permit in Slovakia, in 5 years to apply for permanent residence and in another 5 years to obtain citizenship. It is very important that when submitting documents to the immigration service in Slovakia, Georgian citizens do not need to apply for a visa «D» to come to the country. Therefore, the process is even more simplified than for nationals of other countries.
Right in the heart of Europe, Slovakia stands in contrast with historical castles and monuments of the mountain chain, sometimes intermittent industrial development. The landlocked country is bordered by Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria and Ukraine.
Вид на жительство в Словакии для грузин
Slovakia became an independent nation state on 1 January 1993, when it separated peacefully from the Czech Republic, separating from the former Czechoslovakia by mutual agreement. Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia and attracts travelers, emigrants and guests from all walks of life to its magnificent old town.
A Georgian can obtain a residence permit in Slovakia on various grounds. Of these, the following are the most popular:
  • 1
    Registration of individual entrepreneurship with the subsequent opening of a business
  • 2
    Official invitation to work from a Slovak employer
  • 3
    Official enrollment to study in one of the universities of the country
  • 4
    Reunification with family members who live in Slovakia and have a residence permit, permanent residence or citizenship
  • 5
    Sports career and membership in one of the Slovak sports clubs
We'll look at each option in more detail below.

Obtaining a residence permit for Georgians through entrepreneurship

ith the word «business» many represent the creation of a company with multimillion-dollar investments. But in fact, in Europe, even a taxi driver registered as an individual entrepreneur - it is a businessman, which, by the way, has a basis for obtaining a residence permit, if he is from another country.
Business can be the opening of your nail salon, organization of freight transportation or you can work freelance on the Internet, pre-formalizing individual entrepreneurship to obtain an ID card with a residence permit.
On this basis, whatever you do in your country, it can be formalized as a business in Slovakia. To do this, you need to collect documents, submit them and obtain a certificate of state registration of business.
On this basis you can apply for a residence permit in Slovakia. The procedure lasts 3 months.
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Registration of a residence permit in Slovakia for Georgians for the purpose of work

Often this option is used to work legally in a European country, and then return to his home in Georgia. In order to be able to obtain a residence permit in Slovakia on the basis of employment, you will need to find a job with an employer who will send you an official invitation.
If you do not have such a possibility, you can contact us and help us to find a suitable place of work.
It is important to know that, having a working type of residence permit, you will be able to work only in Slovakia. There may also be difficulties in getting loans, mortgages or installments. But, as a rule, those who travel to the work residence, do not need these services.
The process of obtaining a residence permit in Slovakia on the basis of employment takes 2 months

Residence permit for Georgians on the basis of entering a university

A great option for those who want to get free education in Europe, as well as the opportunity to work part-time. This type of ID card allows the student to work 4 hours a day, which for the student is an additional advantage.
Admission to a Slovak university for free training is not so easy, you need to pass the entrance exams, as well as the certificate from school must be with a high score. Competition is high and not everyone will be able to enroll, but there is a paid training option in Slovakia.
Our employees help with the search of a suitable university, as well as with the submission of documents, their translation, nostrification and apostille.
The length of residence permit - 1 month. In addition, we can help with the search for housing, the study of the Slovak language.
ВНЖ для грузин

Family reunification program in Slovakia for Georgians

Foreigners who reside in Slovakia with a residence permit have the right to transport their family members under the family reunification program. To do this, you need to collect an appropriate package of documents, which will be more detailed by our consultant, and submit it to the consulate or immigration service in Slovakia. Anyone who moves under this program has the opportunity to work, open a business, free study, take mortgage, credit or lease, as well as travel to the countries belonging to the Schengen area, without visas.
We provide services «turnkey», helping to get a residence permit in Slovakia under this program. Duration of the process of registration - 3 months.

Residence in Slovakia through sport

Only sportsmen who are members of Slovak clubs are allowed to obtain a sports residence permit. If you plan to build your sports career in Europe, Slovakia is a great start, and we will help you find a club with suitable conditions.
The period for obtaining such a residence permit is 3 months.

Georgians can change their status of residence permit in Slovakia

If you need to change your residence permit from one to another, for example, with a working for a business, this can be done. duration - 3 months. We help with the necessary package of documents, their translation and submission to the Immigration Service.
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