Immigration to Europe. Residence in Slovakia for Armenians (Armenian citizens)

Slovakia, officially known as the Slovak Republic, is a desirable destination for immigrants because of its high-income economy and high standard of living.
Armenians have the opportunity to move to a European country with a residence ID card and all its advantages. For example, you can get a mortgage on an apartment, a car in leasing or take a loan for other purposes. In addition, residents with a residence permit can enjoy their right to free education in educational institutions in Slovakia, and travel to the European Union without additional visa.
Slovakia is developing steadily in the economic market, so there are always ways to earn and improve their living standards. In addition, as a European country, Slovakia provides a high level of health care.

ВНЖ в Словакии для армян
Armenians can easily obtain a residence permit in Slovakia, having collected the necessary documents and having grounds for a positive answer.
Our employees provide qualified support at all stages, and you can also use our services «turnkey», thus saving yourself all the trouble associated with obtaining a residence permit in Slovakia.
We do document translation, nostrification and apostille if necessary.

Grounds for obtaining residence permits in Slovakia for Armenians

Armenians, like residents of other countries that are not members of the European Union, have the right to obtain a residence permit in Slovakia. This is a great chance to move to Europe and build your future. But you can go and for a while, for example, to make money, but in this case, without a residence permit is also not enough.
The ID-card of the residence permit is issued for a period from 1 to 3 years with the possibility of extension. After 10 years in Europe, you can apply for citizenship and in the future enjoy all the benefits of this status.

The objectives of obtaining a residence permit in Slovakia for Armenian citizens may be as follows:
  • 1
    Start your business in the territory of the European Union or specifically in Slovakia
  • 2
    Family reunification program if one of them has a residence permit in Slovakia
  • 3
    Employment to a Slovak employer with an official offer
  • 4
    Study at one of the higher educational institutions of the country, which requires permanent residence in one of the cities of Slovakia
Our company is engaged in helping to obtain a residence permit in Slovakia. We provide consultations, collection of documents, translations, nostrification, apostille and other services related to obtaining a residence permit.

Business in Slovakia for obtaining a residence permit for an Armenian citizen

Armenians are a nation that by its nature is very entrepreneurial, and they are very good at developing their business. And Slovakia is a country that creates and offers excellent conditions for this.
There are as free activities, for example, taxi driver or «husband for an hour», but also those that require licenses (manicure master) or permits (transportation). We assist in obtaining the necessary certificates and certificates if necessary.
As for starting a business, first it is necessary to obtain the status of a private entrepreneur, which subsequently gives rise to the submission of documents for residence permits in Slovakia. Duration of consideration of documents for residence permit on the basis of business - 3 months.
Бизнес в Словакии
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Obtaining a residence permit on the basis of entering a Slovak university

Slovakia provides free university education and the possibility of obtaining a residence permit. But for admission you need to pass successful entrance exams and properly submit a package of documents.
Our staff can help with the search for a suitable university, as well as with the filing of documents and the subsequent processing of a residence permit in Slovakia.
This option is available only for students and gives them another advantage - the opportunity to work 4 hours a day, while studying for free at a European university. Issued residence permit for the purpose of training very quickly - within 1 month.

Employment and residence permit in Slovakia for Armenians

After receiving an official invitation from a Slovak employer, it is possible to apply for a residence permit. Labor residence does not give all the advantages, like the previous, for example, it is difficult to issue a loan or mortgage. But there are reasons for this, as often due to work residence permits come for several months or years to earn money, and then return to their homeland. It is possible to work only for a Slovak employer for a working TRP, and there is no possibility to leave to work in another country. To get a working residence need 2 months and 800 euros.
Трудоустройство в Словакии

Obtaining a residence permit in Slovakia through family reunification

If you have family members who have obtained a residence permit in Slovakia, you can apply for a residence permit through the family reunification program. This is one of the simplest and most inexpensive options. So if you are planning to move to Slovakia, you can not worry about what the rest of your family do. You can take them with you and they will have the same rights of residence in the country as you: work, build business, get education, travel to the Schengen countries and so on. Review process 3 months, cost 400 euros.

Where to apply for a residence permit in Slovakia?

When you will have a full set of documents for the residence permit with a translation into Slovak, they must be submitted:
  • 1
    To the immigration service if you are in Slovakia
    To arrive in the country, you need to apply for a visa «D».
  • 2
    To the Slovak consulate in your country
Looking for help in obtaining a European residence permit?
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