Health insurance in Slovakia for foreigners

Citizens of countries that are members of the European Union can only be insured in one country. This is the country where they work, receive a pension or have a permanent residence in accordance with the laws.

The law provides that non-EU citizens are only subject to Slovak law, which means that they must be insured by one of the three Slovak health insurance companies: the state-owned Všeobecná Zdravotná Poisťovňa (VšZP) or the private insurers Dôvera or Union zdravotná poisťovňa.
Медицинское страхование в Словакии
However, there are some exceptions, for example, if foreigners have permanent residence in Slovakia but work abroad or live abroad for more than six months.
Also, foreigners who don’t have permanent residence in Slovakia can be insured, but only if they:
  • have refugee status and have been granted asylum
  • are foreign students
  • are minors staying in Slovakia without legal representatives
  • are foreigners detained in Slovakia
  • are in a prison in Slovakia
  • are dependents

Why is it important to have insurance?

Nobody knows what might happen in another country. Any accident, illness or injury requires urgent medical attention, and only if you have insurance, you can get it, while all financial costs are covered by the insurance company.
Foreigners are required to submit an application to the health insurance company within eight days of arrival. If they are provided with Slovak insurance, the previously issued insurance in their home country will be cancelled. Non-EU citizens must also bring with them a permit to stay in Slovakia issued by the immigration police
Usually, insurance companies publish additional information about health insurance in Slovakia in different languages ​​on their website, where people can also find additional information about health care providers or download an insurance claim form.

Medical insurance for international students

Медицинское страхование в Словакии
Students arriving from EU Member States don’t need to change their insurer. However, they need a European Health Insurance Card issued by an insurer in their home country.
All international students who come to Slovakia must apply to a health insurance company for state health insurance within eight days of their arrival if they wish to be insured.
When applying for insurance at Dôvera, you need to bring proof of scholarship and a copy of the permit to stay in Slovakia.
When applying for insurance at Union, applicants must bring proof of attendance at an educational institution and a document confirming that they study here on the basis of an international agreement signed between Slovakia and their home country.
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